First Flight Alliance / Operation Active Kids

Donation Supporting Operation Active Kids Dixon Half Marathon

The mission of the O.A.K. scholarship program is to provide funding to children in the community who want to play sports and participate in other recreational activities. O.A.K. will provide partial-to-full scholarships to help eligible families cover the costs associated with youth sports. We believe that by simply planting a seed of activity and athletics, we can grow a community of O.A.K.-strong children.

Last year, First Flight Alliance of Anderson, SC was able to help hundreds of area children through grants and monies raised by runners like me! In some younger classrooms, children really learned how to play for the very first time! In homes where caretakers were on limited income such as Social Security, O.A.K. scholarships enabled children and grandchildren to take part in transforming actitivities including gymnastics and dance.

With your generous support, I can reach my fundraising goal -- and hopefully the finish line of a 13.1 half-marathon on Dec. 9. Please join with me as we change our childrens' culture from phone and video-game consumers to ACTIVE youth who engage in SPORTS and PLAY to become healthy, productive adults.


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