Donate to
New York State of Rind with DZTE

New York State of Rind with DZTE Donation Logo

Your donation will be split evenly between the DZTE and the New York State Cheese Council.  Additionally, all ticket sales will be donated and split as well along with proceeds from the on site raffles.

You may use this receipt for tax purposes as you're donating directly to the Daphne Zepos Teaching Endowment which is a 501(c)3 non-profit.

The DZTE will use funds to provide more scholarships for cheese professionals, online webinars and tools for our website, and continuing education funds for past recipients to continue their research and teaching.

The New York State Cheese Council will use funds to establish their infant organization's operational costs of website development, marketing, and hosting networking and educational events for their members.

One Time

Raised of $5,000

Updated every Loading minutes

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