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Airshow Example

Tue October 28 - Wed October 29, 2025 Jail Alley
Fredericksburg, VA 22401 US


Box Seats

A reserved area with chairs for you and your family! Each ticket is for a box with the number of seats indicated. For example; a Box of 4 is an area with 4 seats.You will receive ONE ticket indicating the number of seats purchased. Wristbands will be provided for all of your seats when your ticket is scanned at check-in. Every person, regardless of age, must have a wristband to enter the box seating area.

Flight Line Club

THIS IS THE ULTIMATE TICKET PACKAGE! The Flightline Club is an exclusive tented area providing the ultimate air show experience. This chalet provides a place to relax either in the sun or shade to view the show in a prime location on the flightline near the center of the show.

Box Seating Chart


Contact Us

If you have any questions about this event, click the button below.

Look Up Ticket


Jail Alley
209 Hanover Street
Apt 1
Fredericksburg, VA 22401 US

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