Aristocats Kids
Based on the beloved Disney animated film, and featuring a jazzy, upbeat score, Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS is a non-stop thrill ride of feline fun, complete with unbelievable twists and turns. In the heart of Paris, a kind and eccentric millionairess wills her entire estate to Duchess, her high-society cat, and her three little kittens. Laughs and adventure ensue as the greedy, bumbling butler pulls off the ultimate catnap caper. Thomas O'Malley and the Alley cats must save the day!
Donate Purchase TicketsBased on the beloved Disney animated film, and featuring a jazzy, upbeat score, Disney’s The Aristocats KIDS is a non-stop thrill ride of feline fun, complete with unbelievable twists and turns.
In the heart of Paris, a kind and eccentric millionairess wills her entire estate to Duchess, her high-society cat, and her three little kittens. Laughs and adventure ensue as the greedy, bumbling butler pulls off the ultimate catnap caper. Now, Thomas O'Malley and the alley cats must save the day!
Show Information
North Front Theater - Level 5
21 North Front Street
Wilmington, NC 28401
Thursday, November 11 - 6:30 PM
Friday, November 12 - 6:30 PM
Saturday, November 13 - 2:00 PM
Saturday, November 13 - 6:00 PM
Sunday, November 14- 1:30 PM
Sunday, November 14- 5:00 PM
All Ages $15