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Impact Homelessness & Housing by Supporting our Local Agencies!


Please join us as we come together to address one of the most pressing challenges facing our community: housing and homelessness in Anderson County, SC. Despite the county's growth and prosperity, many individuals and families in our community struggle to find and maintain safe, affordable housing. For some, the situation is even more dire, as they are left without a roof over their heads. One of the most impactful ways to make a difference is through prevention! One of the ways we can prevent homelessness is by supporting local agencies that help keep people safely in their homes. AIM provides ramps and other necessary repairs that threaten the health and safety of these families and their ability to remain living in their home.

United Way's Fundraising Goal to support AIM - $24,000

Our goal is $24,000 and this will cover an average of 10 homes. We are raising funds for gap funding to help complete projects that require extra funding that is not allowed per the grant.

Many disabled homeowners find themselves in need of a ramp, rails, or minor home repairs, yet do not have the resources necessary to make the improvements due to being on a low, fixed income.

AIM coordinates with several area church groups, civic organizations, and clubs to build ramps or make minor repairs to qualified applicants. We match clients in need with the resources and labor needed to make these improvements, which will enable them to remain self-sufficient

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