Kids vs. Parents Trivia and Challenge Competition
Saturday April 29 from 3:30 to 5:30 PM
Calling all competitive families, or at least those who like to play games together. This trivia and challenge competition pits kids against their parents*. No experience necessary just bring your thinking cap, mad skills, and sense of humor. We recommend ages 7-14 for the kid range for this event.
You sign up as a family. The cost is $10 which includes a $5 food credit. You must have at least 1 adult and 1 child to play. There are no refunds unless there is a wait list.
Step 1: The kids and the parents each make a wager if they lose. Example, the kids may have to vacuum for a week or fold laundry. The parents may have to give an extra hour of screen time or a special dessert. You can wager anything you want. Also, the first kid team to win, gets a prize from us, and the first parent team to win also receives a prize from us. We keep playing until every family finishes.
Step 2: We give each team a game board and movable game pieces. The MC will start with the first trivia question for the kids. Each family plays against each other, but we are all playing the same trivia questions. You reveal your answers to one another. The MC will reveal the correct answer. If the kids get it right they move up one space and get a second trivia question, up to three in a row. If they got it wrong the parents get the next question and play continues the same way. Each family plays together but we play the questions as a room so a family may have to sit out a question or two waiting on all the other teams to finish that round.
Step 3: Land on a challenge space and the challenge games begin. Everyone in the room has to play the challenge at the same time. The parents or kids move up two spaces if they win a challenge. The final play is always a challenge to win the game. Challenges can be memory games, tongue twisters, and much more. Parents and kids both do the same challenges to determine the winner that round.
*parent, guardian, adult figure, aunt, uncle, etc.
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Bull City Solera and Taproom
4120 University Drive
Durham, NC 27707 US