Event Info
Living In Motion
Friday, June 14, 2024
InMotion, 23905 Mercantile Road, Beachwood OH 44122 (Google maps link)
Living In Motion is an opportunity for people affected by Parkinson's disease to learn about InMotion as well as other resources available to them. The event will feature:
- Program Information: learn about InMotion's evidence-based exercise classes designed for people with Parkinson's disease
- Wellness Education + Support Information: Meet professionals in social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and more
- Medical + Pharmaceutical Partners: Learn about the latest breakthroughs in treatments for Parkinson's disease
PLUS: Learn how YOU can become an InMotion client and take our classes free of charge. We're HERE FOR YOU!
EVENT KEYNOTE SPEAKER: David Leventhal, Dance for PD®
9:00am – Doors Open / Check In
Vendor & Community Partner Tables Open
9:40am – Welcome, Opening Remarks
Cathe Schwartz, InMotion CEO; Ben Rossi, Co-Founder and Chief Program Officer
9:45am – Keynote Presentation
David Leventhal, Dance for PD®
10:30am – Q&A Session
10:45am – Vendor & Community Partner Tables Open
InMotion New Client Information and Facility Tours available
11:45am – Dance Class
Class led by David Leventhal
LEARN MORE ABOUT INMOTION: www.beinmotion.org
REGISTER by clicking the SIGN UP button at the top of the page.
23905 Mercantile Road
Beachwood, OH 44122 US
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Keynote Speaker

David Leventhal
David Leventhal is a founding teacher and Program Director for Dance for PD®, a research-backed, award-winning program of the Mark Morris Dance Group that has been used as a model for classes in more than 300 communities in 30 countries. He leads classes for people living with Parkinson's disease around the world and trains other teaching artists in the Dance for PD approach. He's co-produced five volumes of a successful Dance for PD At Home instructional video series and helped conceive and design Moving Through Glass, a dance-based Google Glass App for people with Parkinson's. He’s received multiple awards for his work, including the 2016 World Parkinson Congress Award for Distinguished Contribution to the Parkinson's Community, and has written and published extensively about the intersection of dance and Parkinson’s. He designed and continues to lead a groundbreaking Narrative Medicine course for first-year medical students at Columbia University's Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons and is a regular guest lecturer at Tufts University's Department of Occupational Therapy. As a dancer, he performed with the Mark Morris Dance Group from 1997-2011, appearing in principal roles in some of Mark Morris' most celebrated works and receiving a 2010 Bessie Award for his performance career.
Living In Motion Event Sponsors