Payment Via Check/Cash
If you wish to submit payment offline, please download the respective form below.
Mail completed form and checks payable to Mobile County District Attorneys Foundation to:
Mobile County District Attorneys Foundation
P.O. BOX 2767
Mobile, AL 36652
Pre-Purchase Player Perks
Please note these player perks can be purchased during online registration. Both will be available for purchase at an increased price the morning of the tournament.
Eagle Package $150
8 Mulligans
2 String Pulls
4 Entries in Putting Contest
4 Power Drives
Birdie Package $80
4 Mulligans
1 String Pull
4 Entries in Putting Contest
1 Power Drive

Join us as we fight "FORE! Justice" at the inaugural MCDA Foundation Golf Classic on September 19th at Robert Trent Jones Magnolia Grove Golf Trail.
Each team should consist of four members.
The team registration deadline is September 17th.
The general sponsor deadline is September 9th; however, Title Sponsor registration must be submitted by August 15th.
We have two team packages available to choose from:
Golf Gurus $800 : Includes breakfast, lunch, beverages, cart, green fees and range balls.
Swing Masters $900 : Includes breakfast, lunch, beverages, cart, green fees, range balls, one hole sign, and social media recognition.
Offline registration information for teams and sponsors can be found above this section.
Pre-Purchase Player Perks can be purchased during registration. You can also purchase on day-of at an increased price.
Trophies will be given to the winner of each flight. Individual and company sponsorship opportunities are available.
For more information, please contact
Robert Trent Jones Magnolia Grove Golf Trail
7001 Magnolia Grove Pkwy
Mobile, AL 36618 US