Bring a friend or two and join our RWB members on Wednesday, April 5th. Hunt begins at 5:45 p.m. Raffle drawings and 1 complimentary beer (21+) included.
LOCATION: Bonfire Country Bar, 950 Elm Street, Manchester
TIME: 5:30 p.m. arrival / 5:45 p.m. start time
$10 for guests - includes a beer ticket
Free for current RWB members
Our historian RWB member, Stan Garrity, has created a cleverly crafted hunt for us to seek.
Run or walk around Manchester to find these historical sites.
Once found, take a photo in front of each location
Share your photos with @totalimagerunning @run_walk_brew_nh
Return to Bonfire Country Bar for our post-hunt celebration.
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Bonfire Country Bar
950 Elm Street
Manchester, NH 03101 US