Who is the WSSU Foundation?
In 1970, the Winston-Salem State University Foundation, Inc. was established as a private, non-profit organization that focuses on the long-term needs of the university and enhances the efficiency of its fundraising efforts. The two entities operate independently.
The Foundation aims to foster and promote the university's growth, progress, and general well-being.
The Winston-Salem State University Foundation’s board of directors comprises local community members, alumni, and university administrators. The board oversees how the foundation raises money, invests donations, and distributes grants, of which WSSU is the sole beneficiary. It also advises and supports other activities of the foundation designed to further the interests of WSSU.
The generous support from loyal, enthusiastic alumni and friends of Winston-Salem State University is instrumental to the foundation’s growth. As funding support from the state of North Carolina continues to be constrained, the importance of private gifts as a revenue source grows.
The Winston-Salem State University Foundation also operates the Winston-Salem State University Housing Foundation, LLC, in efforts to assist in campus development and revenue generation. The WSSU Housing Foundation, LLC exists exclusively for the benefit of WSSU to lease, operate, manage, and contract for the construction of student housing facilities. Since its formation in 2001, the foundation has supported projects that have added 1,100 beds to the campus.
What is the SGA Gala?
The Simon Green Atkins Gala is an annual event created by the WSSU Foundation to celebrate distinguished faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners and to raise scholarship dollars for the Foundation’s endowed student scholarship program. The gala is named after the Founder of Winston-Salem State University, Simon G. Atkins. Winston-Salem State University was founded as the Slater Industrial Academy by Mr. Atkins on September 28, 1892. Atkins had an audacious vision to create an institution where every student would meet the challenges of the day equipped with an education designed to intellectually prepare the “head, hand, and heart.” Twenty-five students attended classes in a one-room frame structure and were taught by a single instructor. For over 71 years, Mr. Atkins dedicated his life to improving the lives of African Americans in North Carolina and specifically his beloved Winston-Salem by improving the health, housing, and economic status of the African American Community.
Official Gala Hotel
The official hotel of the WSSU Foundation Gala is the elegant Winston-Salem Marriot, located at:
425 N Cherry St.
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
WSSU Foundation has secured a block of rooms at the Winston-Salem Marriott. The rate is available any night(s), April 19th-April 21st, 2024 at the rate of $179 +tax per night. Please use the provided link to ensure you receive the appropriate rate.
****Rooms must be booked by March 29, 2024 to receive the discounted rate****
Let's GOAL!

The WSSU Foundation has a goal of raising $100,000 through the Inaugural SGA Gala.
Join us in meeting the goal!
Becoming a Sponsor
Check out our sponsorship page for more details regarding sponsorship options.
2024 SGA Gala Sponsors