October 5th 2024
Check out the video of last years putting contest!! We almost had a $2500 winner!!
Event Location
Rotonda Hills Golf Course
100 Rotonda Circle
Rotonda West, FL 33947 US
Registration 7am - 8:15
Bring cash for the extras
We will be selling Mulligans, Putting Contest entries, and 50/50 tickets the morning of the event
Register Here
The Conservancy and Community Trust of SGC Inc. (Non-Profit) is hosting its 20th Annual CCT Scholarship Golf Tournament Saturday, October 5th at the Hills Golf Course in Rotonda West Florida. Join us for a fun filled day raising money for our high school seniors benefitting the 2025 Scholarship fund. Your entry fee includes golf, a wonderful lunch, Hole in One contest with a chance to win $6,000.00 and more. Additional putting contest with a chance to win $2,500.00, prizes and 50/50. Registration begins at 7am-8:15, Shotgun start 8:30 prompt. No need to be a golf pro for this tournament.....We will be picking poker hands to determine winner and prizes at the end.