Join us for our Fall Friends & Fundraiser as we seek to rebuild a culture of life. We have made great progress in our efforts to come alongside Lenawee County families over the last 40 years. In this time it is even more important that we continue to support God's plan for the sacredness of life, sexuality, and the family in our community.
Uniting with us is a great champion of legacy and family values. He grew up in poverty, was raised by a single mother, and rose to great professional heights as well as being a faithful husband, father and grandfather. Grounded in the sanctity of life and family values, Dr. Ben Carson will be our keynote speaker.
All registrants will receive a free copy of Dr. Carson's latest book, "The Perilous Fight", which discusses the facts, inspiration, and theory-to-action answers we need to restore a key foundation of America: the family. We are confident that his message will help us make great strides in getting out the message that we are here for Lenawee County families!
Adrian College - Dawson Auditorium
240 S. Charles St.
Adrian, MI 49221 US