Your Veterans Business Career / Employment & Resource EXPO Begins - OPEN To the Public - Registration Below
Exhibitor Prospectus & Pricing (Earn a FREE Booth)
Exhibitor does not need to be a HVCC Member
Veteran & Military Spouse Owned Businesses
Educational Institution
Veterans Resources
Exhibitor Reg. Closes 12 Sept
HVCC Members ($80 Off Code) - Log into your HVCC Portal Ends 6 Aug 2023
Resource --> Media&File --> EXPO section
All Exhibitors Registration Sponsor Registration Exhibitor Pricing
Open to the public
All are welcome to attend
FREE ticket - Registration Required
$ 4,000+ of Raffle Prizes & Giveaways at VB EXPO
***** Register by 15 SEPT & Receive a 2nd Raffle Drawing Ticket *****
Passionate Patriots
General Public
** Registration Required for Entry & Breakout Sessions
Veterans Attendees & Volunteers Procurement / Contract Officer Registration
EXPO Day 1
(Free to Attend - RSVP)
22 Sept 2023 - Friday
0600-0900 Event & Exhibitor Check-in & Setup
0700 - Exhibitors Breakfast
0730 - EXPO Attendee Registration OPENS
0800 - Breakout Sessions Begin
10:00 am - EXPO Opens to Attendees
11:00 am - Exhibitors Lunch area open
17:00 (5:00pm) - EXPO Closed
17:00 (5:00pm) - 8pm - EXPO Reception (Open to all with a ticket)
** After Party & Networking** Little Woodro's Downtown
Volunteer Opportunities Available
- SEE Attendee Ticket
EXPO Day 2
(Free to Attend - RSVP)
23 Sept 2023 - Saturday
0600-0900 Event & Exhibitor Check-in & Setup
0700 - Exhibitors Breakfast
0730 - EXPO Attendee Registration OPENS
0800 - Breakout Sessions Begin
10:00 am - EXPO Opens to Attendees
11:00 am - Exhibitors Lunch area open
16:00 (4:00pm) - EXPO Closed (SEE YOU NEXT YEAR 2024)
16:00 (4:00pm) - 7pm - Closing EXPO Reception (Open to all with a ticket)
7pm EXPO Breakdown & Cleanup
** After Party & Networking ** Pitch25
Volunteer Opportunities Available
- SEE Attendee Ticket
Admiral Sponsor
EXPO Open to the Public
Veteran Owned Businesses
Military Spouse Owned Businesses
Veterans Service, Resource & Educations Organizations
Exhibitor Registration ⭐🇺🇲 Exhibitor Prospectus & Pricing 🇺🇲⭐ Earn a FREE Booth - See Exhibitors Prospectus
Career & Resource Exhibitors 2023
Employers Veteran Service & Resources Veterans - Bring Your Resumes - Attend the Breakout Sessions